How To Get Your Booty In Shape Fast

Zarki Mathew
3 min readJul 30, 2021
Easy glute workout no equipment

In the trunk, there’s some trash. That booty needs to be shaken. Rumpshaker. Jennifer Lopez, too. The derriere has always been a source of interest in our society. People want to make sure that they look good from behind, whatever it is.

With the swimming suit season, you’ll want to make sure that area is in good shape. I’m sure you don’t want anything jiggling around where it shouldn’t be so you may “strut your things,” as it were. We need to get to work as soon as possible to get that booty popping.

Let’s show you how to get that round, shapely butt right away! You’ll need to undertake some weight-lifting workouts first to get your derriere in the greatest shape possible. The following three exercises are excellent butt shaping exercises:

1. Squats — The king of all leg exercises, if done correctly, this exercise will really firm up that back region. Standing tall with your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees and drive your hips backwards as if you were sitting on a chair.

Make sure your knees don’t go out past your toes when you squat, keep your weight on your heels and stay flat footed, and go deep enough on your squats so the top of your thigh is parallel to the ground. This is said to be a Jennifer Lopez favorite.

2. Lunges — Another excellent buttocks exercise. You’d make all your friends jealous of how firm your “butt” has grown if you just did lunges.

Remember to step a good length, keep the foot flat, don’t let the knees go past the toes, keep your back tight, and explode back to the standing position.

3. Stiff Legged Deadlifts — You’ll feel this all over your backside, but it’ll be well worth it. This exercise will require you to hold weights in front of you.

Keeping your back tight, push your hips backward, like you are trying to shut a car door, and bend at the waist. Go until your hamstrings won’t allow you to and then return to the starting position by bringing your hips in.

With these exercises, you want to do 12 to 15 repetitions, for 3 sets. Find a weight that is challenging, not easy.

Now, to really get the butt looking great, you need to make sure there isn’t a lot of body-fat around the area. To do this, you have to watch your diet. Don’t eat a lot of processed foods.

Find carbohydrate sources that are from whole fruits and vegetables, whole wheat pasta, and whole wheat breads. Make sure you eat plenty of protein from sources like lean meat, chicken, turkey, and fish. Finally, reduce the fat intake by avoiding saturated and trans fats.

You will also need to engage yourself in cardiovascular or aerobic exercises in order to burn excess body-fat. Find a piece of equipment that will get your heart rate going for 25–35 minutes. You want to be able to speak sentences and not gasp for breath as you are training. Riding the bike, walking, elliptical machines are a great way to get your cardio work in and we’ll help burn away that body-fat.

You will be able to show off that finely tuned rear end of yours because the body-fat will be gone if you can combine your diet and cardio. If you neglect either of one of them, you could risk making your butt a tad bigger. So, stay disciplined, work hard, and I think you could have the derriere that you will gladly want to show off at the pool this summer.

Bonus tips: Read my other 👉 articles to learn more about the smoothie recipes that targets your butt. You can watch all this Youtube videos to get more inspirations. Like & Subscribe to the channel to get notified every time they post a new video.

Disclaimer: This article is designed for informational and educational purposes only, and contains affiliate links which comes at no additional cost. My goal is to provide you with the best possible recommendations that suits your needs.

